Monday, September 29, 2014

Portrait Session with Harry Sidney Claypool IV

I am the fourth generation of Harry Claypools in my family. I like to photograph things, mainly sports, and like to express myself through photography. If I could photograph anything in the world it would be a professional football game. I am relaxed. The only thing I would change about myself is being able to run for a longer time and have better stamina. Ten years into the future I see myself out of college with a job and a dog. Hopefully not living in a box. I also want to be in a Nike commercial. I like to play music and watch Netflix on my phone. You can find me in the gym, on the football field, in my room, or hanging with friends. As long as Im not affected by pop culture, 5 dont care. I would like to break my procrastination habit. Spiders scare me, but despite that, Im flawless! Not really: Im concussion prone and indecisive. If I were a superhero, my superpower would be invisibility. There are so many things you can do when youre invisible, and if I could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of my life, it would be Chipotle. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Photo Themes

1.     Anger       

People box to let out frustration and anger
2.     Power

This theme made me think of corporate power
3.     Ugly

Tomatoes are ugly and rotten tomatoes are even more ugly
4.     Calm
the water rests calmly on the wagon
5.     Compassion

Saints are known for compassion
6.     Authority

Chloe is seen here showing the other team who is boss by hitting her forehand. 
7.     Pride

People take pride in their dogs. This dog is sitting up straight and tall, kind of regal like.
8.     Mysterious

Mysterious looking clouds rolling through
9.     Wisdom

Saints are also known for their wisdom
10.  Love

bride and groom kissing at their wedding. 
11.  Lazy

What we do when we're lazy: lay on the couch and play video games
12.  Temptation

At zoos you're not allowed to touch the animals without permission and this deer is just begging you to touch it.
13.  Happiness

Happiness is laughter and smiling and enjoyment of life
14.  Growth

The flower has yet to bloom to full capacity
15.  Memories

#throwback to the summer when I spent a week with my favorite cousin and best friend
16.  Sounds

the dog is looking towards something that made a sound and she needs to know what it is
17.  Diversity

there are many different kinds of shoes
18.  Dangerous

we don't always know what is on the road ahead and it can be scary or dangerous
19.  Hope
Looking out over the water and in the reflection seems like there's something more 
20.  Truth

The sun is always true
21.  Patriotic
Her outfit. The dance move she's doing is called a firebird and reminds me of a firework.
22.  Sad

the expression on her face and her black clothing reminds me of someone who lost a loved one and is going to a funeral
23.  Terrifying

Any bump or crack in a road or path metaphorically and literally can be terrifying
24.  Abandoned

Her position on the floor (longing for something/someone) and her clothing. 
25.  Courage

The groom patiently waiting for his bride to come. He probably has a lot of nerves. It takes courage to stand up there and marry the woman you love.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sketchbook Cover

How did you take the photograph?

I took the all 4 pictures with an old TracFone that looked like a blackberry. 

Why is this photo good from a compositional standpoint?

The reason I think the main photograph (the big one in the middle) is good from a compositional standpoint is because there is clear focus on the colors of the sunset. 

Why do you value this photograph?

I value this photograph because any picture with the sun setting or rising or just shining through something has always been beautiful to me. Being able to capture the beauty in the world is something I love about photography, and I think that's what I like about this photo. 

What is your theme? How did you showcase your identity?

My theme is the sun and the different ways it shines throughout the day onto different things in the world. It shows my identity because I'm a ray of sunshine. My dad always calls me his ray, and that's what I decided to show on my cover.

How do the other images/text selected relate to your theme?

The other three images convey my theme because they show the sun rising and setting on different aspects of life, particularly mine. The letters for my name show my personality, too, in the differences in their designs. 

Describe how you used the chosen principle of design.

I contrast between the warm color of yellow for the suns rays and the cool color of the blue sky.