Friday, May 29, 2015

Final Everything Project

Contact Sheet

Image Overlays With Text


Hand Color

Circle Rotation

Vertical Strips


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Motion - Final

( ISO 100  f/10  1/200)

Light Writing
( ISO 100  f/11  18.0)

Blurred Motion
(ISO 100  f/8.2  1/20)

(ISO 100  f/5.3  1/80)

(ISO 100  f/22  1/25)

Frozen Motion
(ISO 6400  f.5  1/500)


I have learned that you really have to think hard when it comes to composition and to try many ideas. You can't just rely on one idea because it might not work out.  My least favorite is the blurred motion because I had run out of options and resorted to just having my mom run in my backyard. My favorite is the light writing because there were so many different things we could write and do that it made working on this particular picture the most fun. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Motion Planning

Blurred Subject

The Plan: Have a subject (mom) move around (run) while keeping the shutter speed low and the camera on a tripod. Background is farm in my backyard. 


The Plan: Find a subject (daffodil) and follow it with the camera, off the tripod, with a slow shutter speed. Background will be farm in my backyard. 

Freeze Motion

The Plan: Use fast shutter speed to capture a moving subject (flowers dropping), free from blur and completely frozen. 


The Plan: Find a subject (flower or nature of some sort) and use the zoom the lens and continuous setting.

Writing with Light

The Plan: Use a flashlight to create different designs and pictures with the camera on a tripod with shutter speed on bulb.


The Plan: Find subject (Either photog ppartners or dad) Do some kind of motion (punch/kick or leap frog). Have fast shutter speed and camera on continuous.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Writing with Light

Writing with Light

Emily Lupi, Catherine Miller, Maria Morales

f/11.0    3.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    8.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    2.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    4.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    9.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    13.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    14.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    7.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    5.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    8.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    5.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    6.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    7.0"    ISO 100

f/11.0    7.0"    ISO 100

Monday, March 23, 2015

Lighting Final

How has this unit affected your photography?

It has shown me how to control the different variables in each photograph: lighting, clothes, background, props, facial expressions, etc. 

Why is this person important in your life?

Emily is my best friend - my partner in crime. We have the same interests, the same kind of humor, and our houses have the exact same layout. She supports my love of tennis, has helped me through a close family member's death, and she helps me when I struggle with my faith. 

How does their personality dictate your artistic decisions?

She's a naturally light-hearted and open person, which makes photo shoots fun, but she can also be serious: like when it comes to her flute, dancing, and her faith.